As a single woman I have used male escorts in the past, especially when I have been away from home with work. I suppose I’ve never taken the chance in my own city in case I bump into someone who knows me. But hey, who can say when that fancy will take you, that itch to be really spoilt rotten by a guy who is available at your beck and call.
Hey girls, I felt it last week and with no chance of going down to London for a meeting on the horizon I jumped right in. Did I regret my impulse…..did I heck??!! I had the best time in ages, yep he was hot but he was respectful, looking for the signals that I needed to give. Will I want to see him again……you’re damned right I will. Now I have got over my phobia about getting caught out by seeing friends or work colleagues in town I will flaunt my man with the pleasure of knowing that the word will spread at work that I have the hottest guy imaginable. He is so discreet and very savvy so I know that he will go along with my story if I need one. Do I want a man 24/7? I see no reason to, not when I can spend time with a male escort. It’s my time to enjoy all the perks that the men have been enjoying for centuries.
Stephanie: Stockport